Friday, March 8, 2013

#28: Surprise someone with dessert.

Chris has been one of my best friends since I was little. We met at Hammond Elementary when we were 7 and have been friends ever since. He's always there for me despite both of us being insanely busy with work and never asks questions when I need an escape from real life and I go hide out at his place in Baltimore. His younger sister Kelsey and I played field hockey together while we were growing up too so it only makes sense that his parents are like my own. Bruce & Connie (or Papa & Mama Jones as I like to call them) are fantastic parents to two of the most caring people I know. As soon as I decided I was going to do #28, I knew that they'd be the recipients as a thank you for all of their love and support over the past 19 years. As an added bonus when I dropped off the Smith Island Cake, they took me out to dinner (sans Chris and Kelsey) and I got to catch up with them! I'm SO lucky to have them in my life. :)

Red Velvet Smith Island cake from Original Smith Island Cake Co.! It was delicious, but I still prefer the traditional chocolate and yellow cake version.

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