Thursday, March 14, 2013

#21: Pack a box of food for a food bank.

I was blessed to be a member of the CIVICUS living and learning program at Maryland. (Special thanks to Sara Eisenberg who recommended me to Sue Briggs, the director of CIVICUS, so I could get into the program when I transferred into Maryland.) CIVICUS students live in Somerset Hall together and take classes built around leadership and community service learning. I was able to work with so many different groups and had some pretty great experiences because of it. Sue Briggs is an amazing mentor to have. She's one of those people who knows everything and knows pretty much everyone on campus. She's how I got both of my jobs on campus (as the Event Manager at the Memorial Chapel and as a Tell A Terp Caller) and how I was able to be so successful as a student there. We've kept in touch since graduation and she helped me check off #21 on my Lent list. 

CIVICUS students do a whole bunch of drives during the school year: books for students, peanut butter and jelly making sessions, canned goods, blanket making ford Project Linus, etc. The currently do a food drive almost every month for Meals and Minds. Meals and Minds is a mobile food pantry in four area elementary schools in conjunction with Martha's Table. ( This month, the food drive was pasta and Sue offered to add my donation to their collection to be donated to Meals for Minds. The pick up was this morning but luckily, Sue lives right down the street from me now so I was able to drop off pasta at her house last night for the pickup today since I wouldn't be able to make it to campus to drop off.  Thanks Sue!!

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